By- Palak Aggarwal
Whether we're talking about politics, business, school, or even volunteer groups, the further up you go, the less women you'll find. Despite having similar ambitions for senior leadership roles and having equal leadership aptitude and effectiveness, women are promoted to executive leadership positions at a slower pace than males.

Why do you hardly see any women in a leadership position? What is it that explains the dearth of women in leadership positions?
Bias, you say. Gender bias? But it is something much deep rooted than this. It is the stereotype about women and how there are to carry and behave themselves, not just in the workplace but in all spheres of life.
A female is considered to be compassionate, soft, caring, fragile, nice and friendly. While a leader is supposed to be authoritative, assertive, tough and strong.
So how should a woman act as a leader? Be soft and caring, according to the gender stereotype and be seen as a nice but weak leader? Or, be assertive and strong, according to the leader stereotype and be seen as a competent leader but cold and unfriendly?
A female will always be seen as either competent or likeable, but never both.
This is what is called ‘The Double Bind’. According to the Cambridge dictionary, double bind is, “a difficult situation in which, whatever action you decide to take, you cannot escape unpleasant results”.
A female leader’s dilemma is to care or to take charge? To do something or not to do? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. A balance too hard to master.
There are various steps that can be taken to minimize double bind at the workplace.
Keep a check on bias. If you ever hear workplace bias or anyone saying things like “she is so emotional”, be sure to correct them, then and there. Hearing such things can be demotivating for some.
Evaluate men and women equally. It is essential to evaluate men and women equally and look at their achievements through the same lens.
Promote achievements. Be it men’s’ or women’s’, each person deserves recognition for their work. This will not only boost the confidence of the achiever, but you will also become a role model for the other employees.